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8413 - Tablet Portfolio


AXA is a French multinational insurance firm headquartered in the 8th arrondissement of Paris that engages in global insurance, investment management, and other financial services. The AXA Group operates primarily in Western Europe, North America, the Asia Pacific region, and the Middle East, with presence also in Africa. AXA is a conglomerate of independently run businesses, operated according to the laws and regulations of many different countries. The company is a component of the Euro Stoxx 50 stock market index.
Promote the new insurances, AXA select tablet portfolio to the new customers. Open the tablet portfolio and you will see that an entire office fits inside including your tablet (which you can also stand upright) and all your other things because this handy portfolio contains compartments and files for everything you need in the most compact form. Also, the tablet portfolio is made from recycled PET. The product is endowed with fine texture and comfortable tactile impression.

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