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7468 - Trophy

New Home Association

New Home Association
New Home Association is committed to helping new arrivals and ethnic minorities to integrate into the community and unleash their potentials, promoting the spirit of participation and dedication. Let everyone of us join hands together to foster social harmony and build a better future for a caring prospective Hong Kong society.
Lately, New Home Association ordered two trophies for the micro film competition. One is the Oscar statuette. As we know, the Oscar statuette is the symbol of the Academy Awards. It is a high praise while sending the Oscar statuette. Another is crystal trophy, like sunflower. Optical crystal looks pristine and presents your appreciation flawlessly, in a way that illuminates the room. The multi-faceted cut on the outer edge of the circle reflects light in a riveting way, much like a diamond. The built-in base makes the custom award ready for immediate upright display on a display shelf or trophy case.

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