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7466 - Trophy Cup

Hong Kong Social Workers Association

Hong Kong Social Workers Association
Hong Kong Social Workers Association is the organisation to foster a high standard of professional practice and ethics of social work in Hong Kong and to show concern on matters related to the profession, welfare issues and policies.

The Hong Kong Social Workers Association customized two kinds of metal trophies as competition souvenirs. Contemporary trophies often depict an aspect of the event commemorated, for example in basketball tournaments; the trophy takes the shape of a basketball player, or a basketball. The metal trophies come in a variety of sports or generic forms. These awards are often used for participation awards and can be custom made to include an event logo. These can be custom molded to create a unique trophy for businesses, youth sports organizations, and non-profits alike. Perpetual trophies are held by the winner until the next event, when the winner must compete again in order to keep the trophy. Simply select the trophy you like and personalize with your very own engraving.

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