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7500 - Medal


Acer Inc. is a Taiwanese multinational hardware and electronics corporation specializing in advanced electronics technology, headquartered in Xizhi, New Taipei City. Its products include desktop PCs, laptop PCs (clamshells, 2-in-1s, convertibles and Chromebooks), tablets, servers, storage devices, virtual reality devices, displays, smartphones and peripherals, as well as gaming PCs and accessories under its Predator brand.
Acer selected the acrylic medal as souvenirs. Acrylic is the versatile material often used to create plastic awards. With a transparency of 93% and weighing in at less than half the weight of glass, acrylic awards are always going to be the preferred option. It's possible to create stunning and sophisticated designs at only a fraction of the cost of a glass model. An acrylic medal is easily cleaned and any marks can be buffed out. The acrylic medal is a fully customizable medal that is available in a gold, silver or bronze finish. Proudly decorate your corporate gifts with your organizational logo, team logo, corporate logo and more!

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