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6617 - Table Tennis Medal


汐止桌球協會位於新北市汐止區公園路2號地下室(汐止國中斜對面消防隊後面) 自106/5/1開始因應政府收費要求, 採會員制及零打(NTD50/次)雙軌並行. 桌球場地共三張球桌,開放時間為18:00~22:00,凡是愛好桌球的同好皆可到此處練球。
The table tennis association asscompetition of the table association is accepting registration! The Taiwanese professional customised gift company is responsible for customizing this competition medals, I wish the competition a complete success! Table tennis medals are made of superior metal materials and can be purchased in three colors: gold, silver, and copper. They have the characteristics of not losing paint and strong gloss. Medals using more than a dozen complicated process pressure made, three-dimensional feel full, both exquisite and stylish look good. The front of the table tennis medal is the pattern of table tennis and the table. The surrounding area is a beautiful wheat ear pattern, which fully reflects the type and focus of the game. The top of the medal is designed with a rope ring, which is suitable for wearing on the chest. Medals are an affirmation and encouragement for athletes who have achieved outstanding results, making them even more dazzling on the podium.

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